Live Fire Active Shooter Defense
Prerequisites for this course are Basic Combat Handgun, Basic Combat Rifle depending on which is offered and both if it is a combination course – NO EXCEPTIONS. You must complete each of these courses in order to be eligible to attend these training courses offered by Delaware Tactical.
These are 5 hour courses design to teach response/defense in an active shooter/killer situation. This is a live fire course where we run scenario based drills where you will engage threats in a multitude of situations. We emphasize combat shooting fundamentals, shooting and moving skills, use of cover, MAKING HITS on the targets, responsibility of your actions, and much, much more.
These courses are offered as:
- Handgun only
- Rifle only
- Handgun/rifle combination
Equipment List: depending on which course is offered
- One (1) open mind
- A Fighting rifle (Bolt, lever, semi auto not limited to AR or AK)
- 400 rounds of quality ammo
- Minimum of 4 magazines
- Magazine pouch recommended but not necessary
- A Fighting Pistol
- 400 rounds of quality ammo
- Strong side belt holster
- Sturdy gun belt (double thickness, dept store belts are INFERIOR)
- Minimum of 3 magazines, if you use low capacity magazines consider bringing 4-6 magazines
- Magazine pouch recommended but not necessary
If it is a combination course then reduce ammunition to 300 rounds per weapon system.
Safety equipment
- Eye Protection
- Ear Protection
- Raingear (We shoot rain or shine)
- Hat and sunblock
- Knee Pads (Optional)
- Water
Active shooter defense course $200.00.