Basic Shotgun
101 - Basic Shotgun Fundamentals
This is a 3-4 hour course designed for the beginner shooter wanting to learn the function and safety of their shotgun.
We will discuss types of shotguns, pros and cons to each for personal protection, how they function, types of ammunition and their function.
There will be a classroom portion to this course. On the range we will start with the basic fundamentals of stance, grip, sight alignment and trigger press. Dry fire and live fire drills, loading, unloading, reloading drills.
Equipment List:
- One (1) open mind
- A shotgun (Bolt, pump, semi auto, magazine fed, double or single barrel)
- 25 rounds of #7 or equivalent
- Eye Protection
- Ear Protection
- Raingear (We shoot rain or shine)
- Hat and sunblock
- Knee Pads (Optional)
- Water
Course cost $130.00
We do NOT give refunds but we will allow you to reschedule.