Reality Based Training


How Does Force on Force Training Work?

The speed at which the attack occurs forces quick decision making and problem-solving with a gun in hand. The majority of violent encounters occur from three feet to nine feet. The attack lasts an average lasts three seconds with an average of three rounds fired.

The trainee will learn that violence often occurs at arm’s length. And getting their gun into action is more difficult than drawing from concealment at the range. The role of the ‘attacker’ is to move quickly and unpredictably as the scenario unfolds. The ‘attacker’ may be shooting at the trainee or coming at them with a knife or club.

Each scenario is designed to put the trainee in a situation that induces stress and fear. The brain begins to perform at a higher level of output each time a stressful situation occurs. The process of repeatedly training at a high level of stress and fear inoculates the trainee against deadly force levels of threat and the level of performance rises.



Scenarios that we design use a combination of specialty training ammunition, firearms and Shock knives that are non-lethal. We adhere to strict safety protocol to ensure a safe training environment.


What is Force on Role Player?

This training gives the student a training firearm and specialty ammunition to defend from the role player. The specialty ammunition contains a colored soap that is released on impact letting the student know they have hit their mark. The role player is a trained actor with a specific script to follow. They understand safety protocol and ensure guidelines are followed. 

What this class covers

Threat response - Fight for life drills - The One on One fight - will place student against student or role player in a controlled safe environment where they can experience fending off threats of every size and shape. We will cover basic blocking and fending techniques from standing and on your back. Tactics/techniques that are simple and work!

The Hooded Box - will run you through multiple real life scenarios from ATM robbery, Active shooter, Approached at a gas pump and much more. You will be in the dark, sensory overload with sounds, when the hood raises you respond to the information in front of. What are your force options, movements, how fast to you gather information. We will discuss distance, awareness, options, tactics to help you win the fight!

These 5-6 hour classes will test your natural response to threats, know and unknown at various distances from the threat. You will be fighting for your firearm, avoiding being stabbed or shot, moving to cover, engaging active threats and much more. This is a highly active class and you WILL get dirty. 

Course cost $250.00

What you will need for these classes

  • An open mind
  • Clothes suitable for grappling on the ground 
  • Long sleeve shirt
  • Gloves - similar to mechanics gloves (we can provide)
  • A good belt to accept a holster
  • Belly band holster if you wear one
  • Water - energy bars - lunch
  • We supply all of the ammunition and tools for this training
marker-rounds copy

These classes are held at our Defense Training Academy

10802 Westville rd

Wyoming Delaware