Course Subject Matter:
Carry Application Process
Firearms Identification Card Process
State & Federal Laws & Regulations Surrounding Lawful Carry
State Laws Governing Use of Force/Use of Deadly Force
Firearm, Ammunition, & Holster Requirements
Safe Handling & Shooting Evaluation & Qualification
* Qualification consists of a 50 round course of fire from 3, 5, 7, 10, & 15 yards
If you are interested in the New Jersey concealed carry course please read ALL of the information below. There are no refunds for failing to qualify.
Course fee: $150.00

Gear & Equipment To Bring:
100 Rounds of range ammunition
Wrap around eye protection
Ear protection
2 or more magazines
Baseball style hat
Closed toe shoes & no low cut shirts appropriate for the weather & conditions
Appropriate & NJ compliant holster (that securely retains a handgun which, at a minimum, conceals and protects the main body of the firearm, maintains the firearm in a consistent and accessible position, and renders the trigger covered and inaccessible while the handgun is fully seated in the holster.)
Who Should Apply?
Residents & Non-Residents who are 21 or older
Based on an investigation, has not demonstrated a propensity of violence or mental instability
Has not been convicted of a disqualifying crime
Is not presently an alcoholic, addict, or habitual user of a controlled dangerous substance unless under legitimate medical direction
Has successfully completed the required training to obtain a permit to carry concealed for the state of New Jersey within the last 2 years
How To Apply:
All new, renewal, and subsequent applicants must successfully complete required firearms training, within 2 years, prior to submitting the application.
All New Jersey concealed firearms permit applications (original, renewal and subsequent) and requests (modification and replacement) must be submitted online in the Licensing Portal. All documentation requirements and any clarifications you feel may assist investigators in processing your applications must be uploaded and electronically attached to the application in the Licensing Portal. You may access the Licensing Portal by clicking the link below:
For Firearms Identification Card/Permit to purchase
What You Will Need To Apply:
- SBI Number
- Obtaining your SBI number: Five days after completion of your fingerprinting, you can email for your New Jersey SBI number. Please provide your driver’s license number or state identification number including the state listed on your identification, name as it appears on your identification, and cell phone number. Enter thefollowing into the subject line of your email: "SBI number , out of state PTC". Your SBI number will allow you to proceed to apply online.
- Upload of recent photograph (on a light background including head and shoulders)
- One (1) training record completed within the past two (2) years, instructor name, and qualification date
- Personal Information: including Social Security Number and Driver's License Number
- Background Information
- Mental health records search consent form
All forms related to firearms can be found here: - For Armored Car Applicants: Uploaded Employment Letter
- Contact Information for four (4) non-family related references
- Information on handguns to be carried
- $200 Application Fee
Fingerprinting must be scheduled through IdenToGO
When scheduling, the applicant must provide:
Fingerprint service code (2F164B)
Investigating agency’s ORI# (you can use NJNSPG500 for the Firearms Investigation Unit)
Contributors Case Number (use the first letter in your first name, last name, month, day, and year.
Example: Joe Doe goes on the Identogo site to schedule fingerprints on Jan 8, 2022. The Contributor Case Number will be JDoe010822.) The concealed carry application must be submitted online within ninety (90) days of being fingerprinted.
New Jersey Frequently Asked Questions- Firearms,New%20Jersey%20State%20Police%20station.
Please read the following forms:
Additional Handguns to be carried form
Lawful and safe handling and storage of firearms acknowledgement