Introduction to Preparedness
Delaware Tactical
Nanticoke Sportsmen’s club
Have partnered to bring you a series of FREE classes on emergency preparedness

In the event of a major crisis, it is important that we have the skill sets to protect and feed our families and procure a water source to make it through the crisis whole. A major crisis could be lost in the wilderness, a car accident in a remote area, natural disasters, grid down events.....
All these situations may require survival techniques to ensure you and your family come through the other end safe and whole.
These classes are intended to shed light on emergency preparedness, create conversation, share resources to build a like-minded community.
Our plan is to bring some awareness and education in these areas. We will cover 5 basic survival skills holding one class per month for five consecutive months starting in June.
The topics we will cover are:
Meet and Greet - May 26th – 6:30pm - Sign up here
On this date we will give an overview of the series and discuss different aspects of each subject
Fire – June 9th – 6:30pm - Sign up here
Fire is the king of survival techniques! Fire can purify water, cook food, signal rescuers, provide warmth, light, and comfort. We will focus our attention on safety, bullet proof fire starting techniques and how to build a small rocket stove.
Shelter – July 14th – 6:30pm - Sign up here
Shelter is the survival technique by which you protect your body from excess exposure from the sun, cold, wind, rain, or snow. Anything that takes away or adds to your overall body temperature can be your enemy. We will offer a series of videos and power point presentations showing best practices for shelter considerations.
Communication/Signaling – August 11th – 6:30pm - Sign up here
In the event of an EMP type event, the only likely communication will be HAM radio. The reason for this is because the repeater towers are usually protected from the pulse.
Signaling is unique among survival techniques in that it gives you the means and ability to alert any and all potential rescuers that you are in need of help. We will focus on HAM radio operation basics. How it works and a brief understanding of it.
Food and Water – September 8th – 6:30pm - Sign up here
Food and water are vital to your survival. You can only live up to three days without water. Food and water are vital to your survival. Ration your sweat, not your water intake. You can live up to three days without water.
First Aid – October 13th – 6:30pm - Sign up here
First aid as a survival technique is not just the basic medical needs, it is the primary way in which you act to survive. For long term situations lasting weeks, months or possibly years we will need to look at antibiotics, sterilization, pain medications and more. We will discuss both emergency and long term first aid in this class.
You have the option to register for any any and as many of the classes you choose
You will need to sign up for them individually
All classes are held at:
Nanticoke Sportsmen's Club
26086 Bethel Concord rd
Seaford, De